Wednesday 6 April 2011

If you don't have a plan, you don't have a clue

You know what they say about best laid plans. But what if you want to be a film maker and you don't have one at all? Well, then you end up with disaster zones like the one mentioned half-way down this post.

The team producing the webseries I auditioned for today really seem to have it together. After the aforementioned bad experience last year, this time around I had done my homework before the audition and done some googling. It turned out that a friend of mine had worked on another webseries with these guys a few years back and he told me that his experience had been nothing but positive.

I also came to the audition prepared with a couple of questions and this is what I found out. The team has an absolute shoestring budget but they have a well-thought out plan for all stages of production. They have written the first three episodes, assembled their team, and have decided on their locations - all of which are within 5 minutes walking distance from their base location. They have thoroughly thought about and decided on a shooting plan for the series - schedule to be determined once casting is completed of course. They know that they need their post-production to be minimal for a cheap, fast but high-quality turnaround, and have planned accordingly. They have a plan for distributing the series and potentially even get funding for future episodes.

What I also like about these guys is that while shooting the series they want to inspire others to get off their bums and get shooting themselves. So, the entire making-of process will be documented online, so people can see that when you have a good head on your shoulders and a good plan you can be a film-maker on a next to nothing budget. Awesomeness!

So, good luck to them and good luck to me too, aye!

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